SkyfloX part of the #1000SOLUTIONS to change the world

SkyfloX is honored to be awarded the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label. The Solar Impulse Foundation aims to identify clean, efficient, and profitable solutions in order to accelerate their implementation and the transition to a sustainable economy. A way to take the success of the first round-the-world solar flight further.

SkyfloX’ solution, ORCA, turns airliner fleets into a platform for Earth observation data services: commercial airplanes are equipped with sensors, collecting earth observation data while flying their regular routes.

By making the airplanes multitask – as opposed to using separate platforms – total CO2 emissions are significantly reduced.

This synergetic approach produces affordable, high quality, and ultra frequent co-registered optical and thermal imaging data for customers. It enables multi-daily measurements of land surface temperature for important environmental applications such as forest fire monitoring, water resources management or pollution mapping, while providing an ancillary revenue source for the airlines.

ORCA is a contribution to the space debris reduction, avoiding multiple launches and leaving the precious space orbits for the reference satellites.

The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label is attributed following a strict selection process performed by external independent experts. By ensuring high standards of sustainability and profitability, this internationally recognised label is considered as a recognition for innovators and as a credible marker of quality for solution seekers in business and governments, facilitating their sourcing of solutions to reach environmental commitments.